SELECT * FROM `table_users` WHERE (CASE WHEN (id > 7 AND id < 13) THEN online=1 ELSE TRUE END) AND `table_users`.`status`=1
This mean return online=1 (which can be TRUE or FALSE) in case id <13 and id > 1, or always return TRUE otherwise.
SELECT * FROM `table_users` WHERE (CASE WHEN (id > 7 AND id < 13) THEN online=1 ELSE TRUE END) AND `table_users`.`status`=1
This mean return online=1 (which can be TRUE or FALSE) in case id <13 and id > 1, or always return TRUE otherwise.
Often familiarity makes us turn back to the Cocoa Framework, but Swift has a wealth of algorithms that we can use with String. These include:
distance(str.startIndex, str.endIndex) // string length
count(str) // string length
str[advance(str.startIndex, 4)] // get character at index 4
str[advance(str.startIndex, 4)...advance(str.startIndex, 8)] // get characters in range index 4 to 8
last(str) // retrieve last letter
first(str) // retrieve first letter
dropFirst(str) // remove first letter
dropLast(str) // remove last letter
filter(str, {!contains("aeiou", $0)}) // remove vowels
indices(str) // retrieve the Range value for string
isEmpty(str) // test whether there is anything in the string
minElement(indices(str)) // first index
str.substringToIndex(advance(minElement(indices(str)), 5)) // returns string up to the 5th character
str.substringFromIndex(advance(minElement(indices(str)), 5)) // returns string from the 5th character
min("antelope","ant") // returns the alphabetical first
max("antelope","ant") // returns the alphabetical last
prefix(str, 5) // returns first 5 characters
reverse(str) // return reverse array of Characters
suffix(str, 5) // returns last 5 characters
swap(&str, &a) // swaps two strings for the value of one another
var str = "Hello Swift!"
var aStr = "Hello World!"
str.startIndex // first index
str.endIndex // end index
distance(str.startIndex, str.endIndex) // string length
str.characters.count // string length
str[advance(str.startIndex, 4)] // get character at index 4
str[advance(str.startIndex, 4)...advance(str.startIndex, 8)] // get characters in range index 4 to 8
str.characters.last // retrieve last letter
str.characters.first // retrieve first letter
str.removeAtIndex(str.characters.indices.first!) // remove first letter
str.removeAtIndex(str.characters.indices.last!) // remove last letter
let a = dropFirst(str.characters)
String(a) // dropFirst
let a = dropLast(str.characters)
String(a) // dropLast
"aeiou".characters.contains("a") // contains character
str.characters.filter{!"aeiou".characters.contains($0)} // remove vowels
str.characters.indices // retrieve the Range value for string
str.isEmpty // test whether there is anything in the string
advance(str.startIndex, 5) // advance index
str.substringToIndex(advance(str.startIndex,5)) // returns string up to the 5th character
str.substringFromIndex(advance(str.startIndex,5)) // returns string from the 5th character
min("antelope","ant") // returns the alphabetical first
max("antelope","ant") // returns the alphabetical last
prefix(str.characters, 5) // returns first 5 characters
str.characters.reverse() // return reverse array of Characters
suffix(str.characters, 5) // returns last 5 characters
swap(&str, &aStr) // swaps two strings for the value of one another
Things start to get interesting when you start to combine these algorithms, like so
var str = "hello"
var revStr = ""
for i in str {
str = dropLast(str)
revStr // "olleh"
var str = "Hello Swift!"
String(str.characters.reverse()) // "!tfiwS olleH"
in this process for reversing a string.
It is also possible to go further and remove the need for Cocoa Framework methods like rangeOfString. And here I'm doing something very similar by retrieving the ranges of a string
extension String {
func rangesOfString(findStr:String) -> [Range] {
var arr = [Range]()
var startInd = self.startIndex
// check first that the first character of search string exists
if contains(self, first(findStr)!) {
// if so set this as the place to start searching
startInd = find(self,first(findStr)!)!
else {
// if not return empty array
return arr
var i = distance(self.startIndex, startInd)
while i<=count(self)-count(findStr) {
if self[advance(self.startIndex, i)..< hello?.rangesOfString(?hello”) hello, good very ?a find every after character search first of index next to jumping by optimisation further try } arr return i++ { else i="i+count(findStr)" i+count(findStr)))) i),end:advance(self.startIndex, arr.append(Range(start:advance(self.startIndex, findStr i+count(findStr))]="=">
using a String extension written entirely in Swift with no added Cocoa.
Note that not only are instance methods are now used as opposed to functions, but find() is replaced by indexOf().
extension String {
func rangesOfString(findStr:String) -> [Range] {
var arr = [Range]()
var startInd = self.startIndex
// check first that the first character of search string exists
if self.characters.contains(findStr.characters.first!) {
// if so set this as the place to start searching
startInd = self.characters.indexOf(findStr.characters.first!)!
else {
// if not return empty array
return arr
var i = distance(self.startIndex, startInd)
while i<=self.characters.count-findStr.characters.count {
if self[advance(self.startIndex, i)..< hello, good very ?a find every after character search first of index next to jumping by optimisation further try } arr return i++ { else i="i+findStr.characters.count" i),end:advance(self.startIndex, arr.append(Range(start:advance(self.startIndex, findStr hello?.rangesOfString(?hello?) i+findStr.characters.count))) i+findStr.characters.count)]="=">
Source: sketchytech